Saturday, February 24, 2007

ruff night*

Some background info:
(*all names mentioned in this blog have been, and will continue to be, falsified to protect the innocent)
I have two roommates, Martha* and Belle* and we live with 2 dogs, Martha's dog Robert* and my dog, Grumpy*. Belle is like Robert's 2nd mom/doggie "aunt" and takes care of him when Martha's traveling, etc. On the nights when Martha's boyfriend sleeps over, Robert usually sleeps with Belle. (As a result of my decidedly single status, my dog rarely ever sleeps anywhere other than with me.) Last night Belle took off to go see Music and Lyrics (see below for her review), and I went out for dinner and drinks with my friend T*. I got home around midnight, a few minutes before Belle. Martha and BF were asleep, so Robert was anxiously waiting for Belle to go to bed.

Fast forward to 4am. I was sitting on the toilet peeing (TMI???) and saw a flash of gray out of the corner of my eye. Robert was sitting next to me, and appeared to be shaking, which I figured was due to my sleep/alcohol induced haze. I scooped Robert up and went back to bed only to find that she was, in fact, shaking, which quickly turned into convulsions, accompanied by panting and drooling. By 4:30am I was both furious and concerned, I definitely didn't want Martha's dog dying on my watch, but I DID want to get some sleep. Robert hopped down off the bed, paced around the room for a minute, started coughing like an 80 year old COPD patient, stopped, and then got back up on the bed, good as new. I could have questioned the miraculous recovery, but opted to ignore it and get some sleep.

I woke up at 7:30am (on a Saturday, ugh!) because Martha and BF were getting ready to go skiing. As I stepped out of bed, I looked down at the floor and discovered the reason for Robert's instantaneous recovery 3 hours earlier.

On my rug was, not only the LARGEST pile of dog throw-up I have ever seen, but poop. LOTS of poop. The poop of three dogs. It was disgusting and at the same time, amazing.

Needless to say I threw the rug out.

Belle's review of Music and Lyrics: " was a good movie....definitely a chick flick" Apparently Hugh Grant has a really good voice. Who knew?)

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